FedEx vs. UPS

The recent FedEx commercials have attempted to use humor in promoting how easy and inexpensive it is. Over time, however, the humor has gone from chuckle-worthy through sophomoric to downright foolish. The problem is that they are so impressed with their workplace parodies, they forget to actually tell us how they can be a complete solution.

UPS, on the other hand, uses their Whiteboard concept to demonstrate the various solutions we can use for getting our packages from point A to point B or even C if the situation changes. It is fully integrated, informative and fun. Most of all, it works. It instills confidence that they will handle packages with care and be responsive to our needs. (I’ve also mentioned UPS in this column on Promotion Strategy at my website.)

Take note, FedEx, foolish humor is not original; just visit any random high school of your choosing. If the businesses that use your services can’t seem to find things to do with their employees, then I question whether they should be in business anyway. And you have an actual advantage over UPS in that you offer printing services.

Congratulations, UPS! You have given us a textbook example of fully-integrated marketing. Keep it up.

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One Response

  1. […] and UPS Revisited Posted on April 3, 2008 by cpmccrory Back in early January, I wrote this post, comparing the promotion strategies of FedEx and UPS. My analysis criticized FedEx’s focus on […]

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